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Ground Investigation on Herlwyn Avenue


31 October 2017

Unfortunately, one of the boreholes has experienced delays and is now not likely to be completed until Friday 3 November .

The purpose of this type of ground investigation is to gather samples known as cores to get a better understanding about the existing ground conditions, which will enable the new railway to be safely constructed. For this particular location, we have not been able to achieve the quality of sample or core required. To rectify this situation, we have had to slow the drilling down and conduct further testing, which subsequently has delayed the works.

We apologies for this further delay. More information can be found in this letter .


27 October 2017

Despite our best efforts, the ground investigation works on Herlwyn Avenue have been delayed into the first half of next week, with some works extending until Tuesday 31 October . A full overview of the delay is contained in this letter . During these works, traffic management will remain in place on the roads. However, to avoid disruption to the school run of Sacred Heart Catholic School, works that require vehicle movements (such as deliveries) will be suspended 30 minutes either side of school opening and closing times.

Apologies for the change to the previous notification and any inconvenience this may cause.


Please note that ground investigation (GI) works will be taking place on Herlwyn Avenue . These works will commence during the half term holidays on Saturday 21 October and finish on Saturday 28 October.

To find out more, including a map showing the indicative locations of the boreholes please see the Herlywn Avenue GI Notification.

Posted on 11th October 2017

by HS2 in Hillingdon