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HS2 Works Notification: Utility surveys at Cedar Avenue and Great Central Avenue, 15 - 20 February 2021; Soil replacement in the West Ruislip area, last week of February 2021.

Utility surveys:

From 15 February 2021, we will be carrying out ground and sewer system investigation at Cedar Avenue and Great Central Avenue. This will help to inform our design decisions in the area. The ground investigation will involve the use of scanning equipment to identify the utilities in the area. We will be excavating trial holes to take measurements and ground samples.

In order to investigate the condition of the sewer system and the manholes, we will be using a CCTV camera mounted on a small robot. Should we find a blockage we may need to flush the drainage system using a high-pressure water jet in order to carry out the investigation.

Your utility services will not be affected.

For further information please see our works notification.

Soil replacement:

Starting late February, we will be preparing the ground that will form the base of the new rail line by excavating the soil and replacing it with an aggregate based material.

This base will extend from what will be the portal area to the start of the bridge that will be erected over Breakspear Road South. We will excavate the soil to a depth of approximately 1.5m using bulldozers and excavators and replace with aggregate. Once it is laid the material will be compacted using rollers to create a solid base upon which the ballast and rail lines will be placed at a later stage.

For further information please see our works notification.

If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email .

Posted on 1st February 2021

by HS2 in Hillingdon