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HS2 Works Update: Works in Eastcote Lane, South Ruislip and at Ruislip Golf Course, including some overnight works

We are working closely with our construction partners to review the works on all our construction sites in line with Government and Public Health England (PHE) advice on dealing with Covid-19. The Government’s current Covid-19 strategy makes clear that construction activity can continue as long as it complies with this guidance, which you can see by clicking here .

The below works are going ahead as our contractors are confident that they can operate in line with PHE and industry guidance, protecting our staff and the communities in which they are working.

Eastcote Lane, overnight surveys of sewers

We will be carrying out surveys to investigate the condition of the drainage systems using CCTV. Should we find a blockage we may need to flush the drainage system with a high-pressure water jet to carry out our investigations. Works will take place on the nights of the 4th and 5th of June.

There will be brief blockages to some lanes on the roads while we do the work, which will happen overnight to reduce the impact on traffic. For more information please see the works notification by clicking here .

South Ruislip, former Arla Dairy site

We will shortly begin works on a ventilation shaft in South Ruislip. The ventilation shaft will join with the main tunnel bores deep below ground and will have a building at the top that will house the ventilation fans and other utility systems.

We will start setting up the work area as of early June 2020, including securing site, delivery of materials and construction works. For more information please see the notice sent to local residents by clicking here .

Ruislip Golf Course, hoarding works including overnight works

From 8 June we will fit wooden hoarding along the Network Rail boundary to the south of the work compound at Ruislip Golf Course to ensure that the site is both safe and secure. This part of the work will take place during the day.

There will also be some night-time works will take place on Network Rail land as this is the only time the Chiltern line has no trains running and it is safe to work. This night-time work will be to remove the metal palisade fencing, placement of wooden posts into a concrete base and then placement of wooden hoarding.

For more information including a map please click here to see the notification being sent to residents .

Construction Forward Look

We have also published our look ahead of construction works in Hillingdon for the next year. The document includes:

  • A detailed forward look of construction activities planned in the next three months and beyond if details are available
  • Works that will take place in the next 12 months, but may not yet have been confirmed or have a detailed programme
  • You can see the June Construction Forward Look by clicking here.

    For more information on works in Hillingdon please see our "Works in your area" page by clicking here .

    If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email

    Posted on 27th May 2020

    by HS2 in Hillingdon