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Sign up for free online events, or visit St Mary's Church Field Museum as HS2 celebrates Britain's Festival of Archaeology

To mark the Council for British Archaeology's Festival of Archaeology , we are holding a series of free online events so you can get involved and find out more about what treasures are being unearthed as we build the country's new high speed railway. The Festival of Archaeology runs from July 17 - August 1, shining a light on our past and how our ancestors lived.

Subjects we will be covering in the free online 'webinars' include:

  • The archaeology of the Chilterns
  • St James' burial ground
  • Hillingdon's hidden history
  • Doddershall
  • Coleshill built heritage
  • Curzon Street
  • Innovations in archaeology
  • Uncovering the landscapes of HS2
  • Find out more about the Festival of Archaeology and the events we are holding

    We will also be holding our fourth weekend of open days at our Field Museum at St Mary's Church in Stoke Mandeville on Saturday 24 July and Sunday 25 July.

    Inside a specially constructed tent the size of a football pitch, archaeologists working on our behalf are currently excavating the remains of the former parish church of St. Mary the Virgin. This is a once in a generation opportunity to excavate the ruins of a medieval church and churchyard. Inside the museum you can ascend the viewing platform for a bird’s eye view of ongoing excavations, as well as displays, films and finds to explore the history of St. Mary’s Church and the amazing archaeological discoveries in the surrounding area.

    We’d love to welcome you onto site to explore this fascinating excavation, where you can learn about life and death in Stoke Mandeville over more than 800 years.

    Tickets are available to book from 10am on Tuesday July 13 and booking will close at 5pm on Thursday July 22 .

    Visit our event our events page to view details and book your tickets

    Detailed joining instructions including our Health and Safety statement will be sent to all registered attendees closer to the time.

    If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email

    Posted on 12th July 2021

    by HS2 in Hillingdon